So, this morning I crept into your room as you lay sleeping. Softly I placed my arms around you and whispered,"Good morning sweetheart." Ever so slowly that morning smile of yours- the one that makes my heart do somersaults and back flips-began to appear in the corners of your mouth.
It's become a morning routine to awaken you in this manner and together we stay for a half hour unfolding gently into our day. It's in this quiet, cuddling time when I know I could conquer your vulnerability and push us into a new level of our relationship, but you're so much more than a slab of meat to me that I remain satisfied just to be close to you. I'm noticing though as the mornings add up, you're the one who is slowly becoming willing to allow a more intimate closeness to develop.
Like today when you executed that wide wake up stretch and captured my head under your arm then led it to its resting place upon your breast. It was still dark in the bedroom so you couldn't see the smile that crossed my face from ear to ear. Oh yeah, Chris was in heaven.
Unsure if you were fully aware of what you'd done, I contented myself with a happy snuggle and only a few pets and gentle squeezes. They alone were enough to send electric shocks of euphoria through my body.
Damn, I am so lucky. You are not only beautiful, but brainy and have personality too. Rare to find all three in anyone. I am so blessed.
Since driving you to work, I've returned home to the scent of your perfume and have easily let my mind fall back into this morning's memory. What a great day to be alive.
I so can't wait to take you to the beach and be totally alone with you. No phones. No kids. No responsibilities. Just us. I know you aren't reading this so I can safely say: Secretly I hope to see all fear of vulnerability vanish those four days in May.
Isn't love beautiful?
What a beautiful post. I really enjoyed reading this! I'm happy to say I had quite a similar experience this morning. There's just nothing like waking up next to someone you love. :-)
ReplyDeleteOh yeah! you've got that right! And perhaps one day I won't have to travel down the hall to awaken her anymore ;o)
ReplyDeleteBeginnings are so special and the best.
ReplyDeleteAnd if you're as lucky as I have been, so will the days, weeks and years that follow.
Thanks for dropping by my blog. I'll be returning here for more of your posts.
I am so loving this beginning! :o) thanks for stopping by - I'm so in need of friends who understand where I'm at. :o)