Saturday, February 13, 2010

not quite a year....

I'm still here...really i's not quite been a year since I checked in and wow a lot has changed...
I've got us caught up on finances- whew! The man-child is, well, almost out now.
And the greatest news? Are you sitting down with an alcoholic beverage in hand? lol ...I'm getting married tomorrow...Valentine's Day.
Where once I felt like a fish slapping in sand...I am now a dolphin roaming and playing daily (but of course- nightly too!) Life is good today....
I need some rest tonite as I know once the morning breaks I must arise and fall into the whirlwind of I will end this for now and promise to return so much sooner....
I will achieve greatness in my life at 4 tmw advised- you will feel the vibration as my soul rocks the universe! :o)